19. januar 2010

Zenos BOB & Zoya BOS - 16.special show The Slovenian Club for Sighthounds

left: Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. right Ninochka's Zenos by H.R.I.B. - BOB

Ninochka's Zenos by H.R.I.B. - BOB 16th Special Sighthound Show - The Slovenian Club for Sighthounds
owned: Blanka & Ivan Hrženjak, handled by Vida Klenovšek - foto Erik Lutman

Ninochka's Vihra - CAC

Best female competition

SLO: V soboto je potekala že 16. specialna razstava Slovenskega kluba za hrte, kjer je bilo v katalogu 112 hrtov od tega 9 borzojev. Borzoje je ocenjeval g.Štefan Šinko in Slovenije, kjer je Ninochka's Zenos by H.R.I.B. osvojil CAC in BOB, njegova sestra Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. pa CAC in BOS !

Čestitke družini Hrženjak in Vidi, za odličnen nastop! V razredu prvakov je bila razstavljena tudi Ninochka's Vihra in osvojila naslov CAC. Hvala nečakinji Sari, za pomoč :-)

ENG: On Saturday, January 16th, 16th Special Sighthound show from The Sighthound Club of Slovenia was held in Ljubljana. It was 112 Sighthounds in the ring- 9 borzois. Borzois were judged by Mr. Štefan Šinko from Slovenia, and BOB went to Ninochka's Zenos by H.R.I.B. - while BOS went to his sister Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. ! Congratulation to family Hrženjak and Vida for exellent presentation ! Ninochka's Vihra was showed in Champion class - she got CAC. Also thanks to my niece Sara for helping me :-)

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